CTF Details

This is an onsite CTF in the heart of Hyderabad’s tech centre Gachibowli!

TheDeccanCTF is the new flagship event of 0x1337 TheHackingClub!

Registration link ? Read everything first, its below


This is a Capture The Flag competition where you have to solve various cybersecurity-related challenges to earn points, the total of which determines your position on the leaderboard.

Competition Format: Jeopardy

Difficulty: Easy-Medium (decent amount of hard questions are still included)

Team Size:

(2-3 is also probably good enough)

It is a completely offline event where everyone from IIIT and outside IIIT are also allowed to participate.


Open Category:

Beginner Category (Teams with each member currently studying in Undergraduate year 1 or lesser) [Must be able to produce proof if non-IIIT student]:

There is a chance that the prize pool will be increased in which case info will be updated here and everyone will be informed in the venue before CTF starts.

Each team eligible for the beginner category will be given the choice to compete in the open category as well. Such teams can only participate in one category. Note that once the registration ends, changing category will not be possible.

Additional Prizes: There will be 3 explicitly marked challenges. For each such marked challenge, the first team to solve the challenge will get a 200 Rs Card.

Note that prizes are partially/fully in the form of Amazon vouchers/gift cards.

Venue: H-205, Himalaya block, IIIT-H, Gachibowli


Instructions and General Info

Registrations are closed. The below timer is the time left for the event to start


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